Health & Wellness
Illness & Emergencies
Please notify the Learning Center if your child is ill and will not be attending school that day. DO NOT send them to school unless they have been fever-free for 24 hours. If you suspect that your child is ill, please do not send him or her to school. Your child will not enjoy the day, and it is unfair to expose the other children to illness. The teacher may refuse to take a child if her or she has a fever or shows signs of illness. If your child becomes ill during school hours, we will isolate him or her from the other children and keep the child comfortable until you are able to pick him or her up. In the event of any illness or emergency concerning your child, we will contact you immediately
Health & Immunization
All children enrolled at First Plymouth Learning Center must have an immunization card on file in the school office. Parents have the right to claim a medical, religious, or personal exemption from immunization requirements.
Nut Aware Policy
To protect against severe allergies, we are a nut aware environment. We also exclude nut substitutes (sun butter, etc.). Please make sure your child’s lunch complies with this. When it is your turn to provide snack, please be aware of this. Check the ingredients (sometimes there is a nut product in prepared foods without actually having nuts in it due being processed in the same location with nuts). Thank you for your cooperation.
Your child must be examined by a licensed physician in the 12 months prior to the first day of school. The medical form must be signed by a physician and be placed on file in the office before the child may begin attending the Learning Center. The medical form will need to be updated annually. Do not send medication to school with your child. Teachers are not allowed to administer medication except under special circumstances such as severe, life-threatening allergies. In such instances, parents must provide the required medications in a sealed container identified with the child's name, the type of medication, and pertinent instructions for its administration.